Oceania Stata Conference - Thursday 6 Feb 2025

The Modern Realm of Stata

Practical and Intuitive Statistical Applications in Professional Research and Data Science
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Oceania Stata Conference 2024
your ideas
with fellow Stata users
from leading Stata users
An event for all Stata users regardless of experience.

The Future
of Stata in Oceania
Gathers Here

Share, learn and engage with leading Stata users from around the world. Learn new methods and techniques; and hear how leading researchers use Stata in their journey of discovery and exploration of data.

Learn More

The Oceania Stata Conference 2025

Thursday 6 February 2025

Join us in Melbourne or live on Zoom


  • Empowering Academia, Business, Government, and Learning.
  • A stable analytics platform providing automation, visualisation, reproducibility and reliability for everyday and specialist analytics.
  • Your research. Your data science.

Scientific Committee

Andrew Gray - Leading Stata User

Andrew Gray

John P de New  - Leading Stata User

John P de New

Bosco Rowland  - Leading Stata User

Bosco Rowland

Previous User Group

Stata User Group Meetings in the Oceania Region have been running for many years.

Below are selected proceedings, abstracts, and notes from prior meetings:
Oceania Stata Conference

Major Sponsors

Survey Design and Analysis Services
TechTips by SDAS

Australia | Indonesia | New Zealand

Support from

Columbia CP - Malaysia


Columbia CP - Singapore